Service Level Agreement

LiftUp Hosting is dedicated to supplying all of services with 99.9% uptime. This SLA or also known as the Service Level Agreement applies to all of our paying clients. The Client agrees that measurements via the LiftUp Hosting team will establish the necessary support and or level of services required.

Service Downtime is any unplanned interruption in Service Availability during which the Client is unable to access the services as described in preceding section, provided the interruption is determined to have been caused by a problem in the immediate LiftUp Hosting and or network segment as confirmed by LiftUp Hosting. Downtime is measured as the total length of time of the unplanned interruption in Service Availability during a calendar month.
Our Service Level Agreement


In the case that LiftUp Hosting is able to provide the agreeded SLA of 99.9% uptime within a calendar month, the client can submit a ticket through and request compensation for the downtime. The compensation will be in the form of a credit to the client's account. The credit will be calculated as follows:
~10 consecutive minutes - No conpensation
10+ consecutive minutes - Every 15 minutes of downtime will be compensated with 1% of the monthly cost of the service upto 75% of the monthly cost of the service.
1+ hour of downtime over an entire month - Every hour of downtime will be compensated with 6% of the monthly cost of the service upto 75% of the monthly cost of the service.


LiftUp Hosting would love to be able to cater to all situations, there are situations where this agreement will not apply:
- Any unavailability of the Service caused by the Client’s failure to provide LiftUp Hosting with accurate and complete information.
- Scheduled Maintenance: Maintenance that is scheduled in advance and communicated to the Client.
- Acts of God: Any event that is beyond the reasonable control of LiftUp Hosting, including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of war, riots, insurrection, sabotage, fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, governmental action, labor conditions, strikes, or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials.
- Any unlawful attacks against LiftUp Hosting or the Service: DDoS/DoS attacks, Bruteforce attacks against our systems, or any other form of attack that is deemed to be unlawful.
- Any action caused by the Client: Exceeding limits on the service, failure to pay invoices in a timely manner, hosting or involving with illegal activities on our services,
- The service in question is a Dedicated Server
- Any free service provided by LiftUp Hosting
- LiftUp Hosting believes the client is attempting to file a fradulent claim against our Service Level Agreement